
This function will try a statement. If the statement is successful it will just return the result but in case of an error, it will re-raise the error using a given error code. The following code below will illustrate how alt_raise works:

Without an optional error message

// the following code:
res = alt_raise(statement, error_code);

// is equivalent to:
res = try(statement);

if (is_err(res)) {
    raise(error_code, res.msg());

With an error message

// the following code:
res = alt_raise(statement, error_code, err_msg);

// is equivalent to:
res = try(statement);

if (is_err(res)) {
    raise(error_code, err_msg);

This function does not generate a change.


alt_raise(statement, code, [message])


Argument Type Description
statement any (required) The statement to try.
code int (required) Integer error code between -127 and -50.
message str (optional) Optional error message.

Return value

The value for the specified statement when the statement is successful.


Some examples on how alt_raise() can be used:

set_type('Person', {
    name: 'str<3:20>'

    // The code below will raise a value error since the name is not long enough
        name: 'x'
}, -100, "Type `Person` expects a name between 3 and 20 characters");