
This function can be used to import a collection which was exported using the export(..) function with the option dump enabled.

This method can only be used in an empty collection.

This function generates a change.


import(data, [options])


Argument Type Description
data bytes (required) The data to import.
options thing (optional) A thing with optional options.


Option Type Description
import_tasks bool When true, tasks will be imported as well and the owner will be set to the user performing the import. If false (default), tasks are not imported and each existing task will be set to an empty task.

Return value

Returns nil when successful.


We provide two examples, one using the thingsdb-prompt and another using Python code.

In the examples below we use the default credentials and assume ThingsDB is running on localhost and a collection “stuff” exists. This might be different on your set-up so be sure to not simple copy/paste the examples.

ThingsDB prompt

# Export the "stuff" collection to a filename
things-prompt -u admin -p pass -s //stuff export /tmp/

# Import the file into a new collection "clone"
# ThingsDB prompt will automatically create the collection if it does not exist
things-prompt -u admin -p pass -s //clone import /tmp/

Python code

import asyncio
from thingsdb.client import Client

async def export_and_import():
    client = Client()
    await client.connect('localhost')

        await client.authenticate('admin', 'pass')

        # export the "stuff" collection
        dump = await client.query("""//ti
            export({dump: true});
        """, scope='//stuff')

        # create a new collection called "clone"
        await client.query("""//ti
        """, scope='/s')

        # import the dump into the new "clone" collection
        await client.query("""//ti
            import(dump, {import_tasks: true});
        """, dump=dump, scope='//clone')

        await client.wait_closed()