
Modifies the type definition of a property or the closure of a method from an existing Type. It is not possible to convert a property to a method or the other way around.

Without an additional callback it is possible to modify to a less ‘strict’ definition. So for example, age: 'int' can become age: 'int?', but not the other way around. Since version v0.9.3 it is possible to migrate to a more strict or completely different definition by using an additional callback closure for generating new values.


mod_type(type, 'mod', name, definition, [callback])


Argument Type Description
type str Name of the Type where the property has to be modified from.
'mod' str Passing this argument will result in a modify action.
name str Name of the property or method that has to be modified.
definition/closure str/closure New type definition of the property or closure for the method that has to be modified.
callback closure The closure will be called on each existing instance and can be used to set a new value, see modify using callback. The callback argument is only accepted when modifying a property on a type with wrap-only mode disabled and must be omitted when modifying a method or changing a type with wrap-only mode enabled.

Return value

The value nil.


This code shows the return value for the action mod:

// Create type `Person`
set_type('Person', {
    name: 'str',
    age: 'int',
    whoami: |this| `My name is {} and I am {this.age} years old.`

// Make `age` nillable
mod_type('Person', 'mod', 'age', 'int?');

// Change the `whoami` method
mod_type('Person', 'mod', 'whoami', |this| {
        ? `My name is {} and I am {this.age} years old.`
        : `My name is {} and my age is a well kept secret.`;

Return value in JSON format


Modify using callback

If you want to migrate an exiting property definition to a complete different or more strict definition, an addition closure argument must be used to generate new values for existing instances (with the exception of types with wrap-only mode enabled).

For types with wrap-only mode enabled there are no instances to migrate and therefore the callback argument cannot be used.

The return value of the closure will be used as the new value, unless:

  • nil is returned by the closure.
  • The return value does not match the new definition. In this case an operation_err() is raised after mod_type(..) has finished.
  • An error is raised inside the closure. In this case an operation_err() is raised after mod_type(..) has finished.

In all three cases above, the value will be untouched after the callback unless the existing property does not match with the new definition. In the latter case, a default value will be applied after the callback has finished.

During the migration, each instance has any definition for the property which is being modified. This is done by ThingsDB so we ensure that both the old value, and the new value will match the definition. This means that when the callbacks are executed, everything may be attached to the property. This value will be corrected by ThingsDB if there is no match between the value and the new definition.

Suppose we want to modify a chat property on type Room from definition "str" to definition "Chat":

set_type('Room', {
    chat: 'str'

my_room = Room{
    chat: 'My Chat Room!'

// Create a new Chat type
set_type('Chat', {
    messages: '[str]',
    name: 'str',

// Replace the `chat` string with the `Chat` type.
// As name for the new Chat type we apply the `old` chat string
mod_type('Room', 'mod', 'chat', 'Chat', |room| Chat{name:});;  // Return my chat room

Return value in JSON format

    "messages": [],
    "name": "My Chat Room!"