
Enable WebSockets

To use WebSockets, at least one node within your cluster must have the WebSocket port enabled, as it’s disabled by default. To activate it, edit the ws_port setting in your ThingsDB configuration file or set the THINGSDB_WS_PORT environment variable. You can use a common port like 9270 for this purpose.

When enabled, connections can be made using ws://<address>:<port>.

Secure WebSockets

To safeguard data transfer with Secure WebSockets, certificates are essential.

For testing, one can create certificates using the following commands:

Generate private key (.key) Key considerations for algorithm “RSA” ≥ 2048-bit

openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048

Key considerations for algorithm “ECDSA” (X25519 || ≥ secp384r1) https://safecurves.cr.yp.to/ List ECDSA the supported curves (openssl ecparam -list_curves)

openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp384r1 -out server.key

Generation of self-signed(x509) public key (PEM-encodings .pem|.crt) based on the private (.key)

openssl req -new -x509 -sha256 -key server.key -out server.crt -days 3650

Configure the ws_key_file and ws_cert_file settings in your configuration file or THINGSDB_WS_KEY_FILE and THINGSDB_WS_CERT_FILE environment variable.

Once configured, establish connections using the secure protocol: wss://<addess>:<port>.

Using ThingsDB WebSockets

The easiest option is to use an existing connector with WebSocket support.

The following connectors are available:

Language Query/Run support Room (event) support
JavaScript / Node.js

Implement WebSocket for a new language

Do you want to implement WebSockets

Connection Similarities: WebSocket connections mirror reading and writing to a socket, but with a dedicated framework for handling WebSocket protocols.

Example pseudo code:

websocket = connect("ws://localhost:9720")  # Establish WebSocket connection
data = msgpack.pack(['admin', 'pass'])  # Package data using MessagePack

# Craft the header:
header = header.pack(
    len(data),  # Size: Unsigned 32-bit integer (little endian)
    0,          # Package ID: 16-bit value
    33,         # Type: Unsigned 8-bit value
    33 ^ 0xff)  # Check: Unsigned 8-bit value (XOR calculation for integrity)

# Transmit header and data:
websocket.send(header + data)

# Receive response:
resp = websocket.recv()  # Await server response

# Process response data ...

For in-depth details on processing response data and crafting messages, refer to the dedicated socket documentation section.