
An empty list can be constructed like this: list = [];

Nesting is also possible but each nested list will become a tuple which means the ‘list’ will be immutable. ThingsDB does this because it wants to update all changes to subscribers and finds the subscribers by the parent object where the change is made. Since the parent of a nested ‘list’ is another list, the thing holding the list would not be found.


Function Description
choice Return a random item from a list.
clear Remove all items from a list.
copy Copy a list (same as dup unless a non-zero deep argument is used).
count Returns the number of elements with a specified value in a list.
dup Duplicate a list.
each Iterate over all items in a list.
every Check if all items pass a given test.
extend Add an array with items to the end of a list and returns the new length.
extend_unique Like extend but only append items which do not have a duplicate in the list.
fill Fill a list with a given value.
filter Return a new list with items that passed a given test.
find Return the first item that passed a given test.
find_index Return the index of the first item that passed a given test.
first Return the first item from a list.
flat Return a new list with all tuple elements concatenated into it recursively up to a specified depth.
has Return true if a given value is found in the list, or false if not found.
index_of Return the index of a given value, or nil if not found.
is_unique Returns true if each item in a list is unique or false if a duplicate is found.
join Returns a string with all items joined.
last Return the last item from a list.
len Return the length of the list.
map Return a new list with the results of calling a provided closure on every item.
map_id Return a new list with the Ids for all the things in the original list.
map_type Return a new list with each item of the original list converted to a typed-thing of the given Type.
map_wrap Return a new list with the Ids for all the things in the original list.
pop Remove the last item from a list and returns that item.
push Add new items to the end of a list and returns the new length.
reduce Execute a reducer function on each item, resulting in a single output value.
remove Remove items that pass a given test and returns the removed items in a list.
restriction Return the restriction of the list or nil when the list is not restricted.
reverse Return a new list with the items in reverse order.
shift Remove the first item from a list and returns that item.
some Check if at least one item passes a given test.
sort Return a new sorted list.
splice Change a list by removing or replacing existing items and/or adding new items.
sum Returns the sum of all elements in a list.
unique Returns a new list without duplicate items.
unshift Add new items to the start of a list and returns the new length.

It is not possible to change a list while the list is in use, for example:
tmp = [1, 2, 3];|i| tmp.push(i));
…will raise bad_data_err() (cannot change type list while the value is being used)

Reference versus copy

It might be useful to understand when ThingsDB uses a reference to a list, and when it makes copy. When a list is assigned to a variable, then ThingsDB uses a reference to the list. If a list will be assigned to a thing then a copy will be made.

For example:

a = [1, 2];
b = a;  // both `a` and `b` are variable so a *reference* is used.
.c = a;  // `c` is assigned, so a *copy* will be made.
a.push(3);  // note that `.c` is not affected because `.c` is a *copy*.

// Return the values
[a, b, .c];

Response in JSON format:

    [1, 2, 3],
    [1, 2, 3],
    [1, 2]

The same is true for when a list is used within a closure. For example:

a = [];    // `list` assigned to a variable

// `a` stays a variable, so a reference will be used
a2 = range(3).reduce(|arr, val| {arr.push(val); arr;}, a);   // [0, 1, 2]

assert (a == a2);   // both `a` and `a2` are a reference to the same list

And when a list is assigned to a thing…

.b = [];   // `list` assigned to a thing

// `.b` will be assigned to a variable, thus this is still a reference
b2 = range(3).reduce(|arr, val| {arr.push(val); arr;}, .b);  // [0, 1, 2]

assert (.b == b2);  // b2 is a reference to .b

A copy is made when assigned to a thing

a = [];   // `list` assigned to a thing

.b = a;   // this is a copy as we assign to a thing

.b.push(1, 2 , 3);
assert (a != .b);  // [] != [1, 2, 3]