
A Thing in ThingsDB is a key/value object where each key must be of type str (except for some reserved properties) and values can be any type. For as long as a thing is used as a variable and not stored in a collection, a thing does not have an Id. Only when a thing is attached and therefore stored in a collection, ThingsDB will assign an Id to the # property. This property is not accessible but can be read using the id() function. See examples below.


Function Description
assign Copies properties from a thing.
clear Remove all properties from a thing.
copy Copy a thing to a new thing. A Type is not preserved.
del Remove a property.
dup Duplicate a thing while preserving the Type.
each Iterate over all properties of a thing.
equals Test if two things are equal.
filter Return a new thing with properties that pass a given test.
get Return the value of a property on a thing by a given property name.
has Determine if a thing has a given property.
id Return id of the thing or nil when the thing is not stored.
keys Return a list with all the property names of a thing.
len Return the number of items.
map Return a list with the results of calling a provided closure on every property.
remove Remove properties that pass a given test and returns the removed values in a list.
ren Rename a property.
restrict Set or remove a value restriction on a thing.
restriction Return the restriction of the thing or nil when the thing is not restricted.
search Search for a given thing within a thing.
set Create a new or overwrite an existing property on a thing.
to_type Converts a thing into a typed thing.
values Return a list with all the property values of a thing.
vmap Returns a new thing with equal keys but values as a result of a given closure.
wrap Wrap the thing with a Type.


// create a new thing
my_thing = {};

// keys following the naming rules can be created and accessed using the `.key` syntax
my_thing.color = 'blueish';

// Functions like `get` and `set` can also be used to create and read properties,
// and just as the bracket [..] notation they can be used to use keys which do not
// follow the naming convention, for example a key with spaces:
my_thing['with some spaces'] = 'almost any str is possible as key';

 // my_thing does not have an Id as we are using it as a variable
assert ( == nil);

// attach to the collection will generate an Id
.my_thing = my_thing;
assert ( != nil);

Properties can be set immediately at initialization. Its quite common to wite a query with query params where the query param is used as key/value pairs in a thing. In this case it is possible to use a short syntax.

// this query is called with name='...'
// In this case writing "name: name," is not required and a "short" syntax can be used
my_thing = {
    other: 'another key/value pair'