
ThingsDB can start with a configuration file and/or with environment variables. However be aware that the environment variables will overwrite the configuration file settings if both apply to the same setting.

Variable Default Description
THINGSDB_BIND_CLIENT_ADDR Bind client connections to this address. This variable both allows an IPv4 address like or IPv6 like ::.
THINGSDB_BIND_NODE_ADDR Bind node connections to this address. This variable both allows an IPv4 address like or IPv6 like ::.
THINGSDB_CACHE_EXPIRATION_TIME 900 Cached queries which are not used within this expiration time (in seconds) will be removed from the cache while the node is in away mode. A value of 0 will disable the query cache.
THINGSDB_GCLOUD_KEY_FILE disabled Service Authentication file (e.g service_account.json) used for creating backups in Google Cloud Storage. Support for Google Cloud Storage will be disabled if the value is not configured. Note that gcloud and gsutil must be installed to use this service.
THINGSDB_HTTP_API_PORT disabled TCP port for listening to HTTP API calls (9210 is commonly used when enabled).
THINGSDB_HTTP_STATUS_PORT disabled TCP port for listening to health and readiness checks (8080 is commonly used when enabled)..
THINGSDB_IP_SUPPORT ALL Listen to IPv4 (IPV4ONLY), IPv6 (IPV6ONLY) or both (ALL) addresses.
THINGSDB_LISTEN_CLIENT_PORT 9200 Listen to this TCP port for client socket connections.
THINGSDB_LISTEN_NODE_PORT 9220 Listen to this TCP port for node connections.
THINGSDB_MODULES_PATH depends Path where ThingsDB modules are stored. The default location depends on the user who is running ThingsDB. (/usr/lib/thingsdb-modules for root and ~/.thingsdb-modules/ for a normal user).
THINGSDB_NODE_NAME hostname ThingsDB will publish itself to other nodes using this node name.
THINGSDB_PIPE_CLIENT_NAME disabled Named PIPE for client connections. Support for client PIPE connections will be disabled if the value is not configured.
THINGSDB_PYTHON_INTERPRETER python Interpreter used for running *.py module files (may also be set to an absolute path like /usr/bin/python). An informational message will be logged if the Python interpreter is not found when starting ThingsDB.
THINGSDB_QUERY_DURATION_ERROR disabled Log an error message when a query takes more than X second(s) (accepts a floating point value like 1.5).
THINGSDB_QUERY_DURATION_WARN disabled Log a warning message when a query takes more than X second(s) (accepts a floating point value like 1.5).
THINGSDB_RESULT_SIZE_LIMIT 20971520 (20 MiB) Result size limit is checked when packing properties for a thing. If, at the check moment, the packed data size exceeds the limit, packing stops and an RESULT_TOO_LARGE error will be returned. This limit is set in bytes and is used to prevent a huge amount of data, typically when a high deep value is used.
THINGSDB_SHUTDOWN_PERIOD 6 Period in seconds before shutting down. This window provides clients to re-connect to another node. Note: the shutdown period value is only used when having multiple nodes.
THINGSDB_STORAGE_PATH depends Location to store ThingsDB data. The default location depends on the user who is running ThingsDB. (/var/lib/thingsdb/ for root and ~/.thingsdb/ for a normal user).
THINGSDB_THRESHOLD_FULL_STORAGE 1000 Threshold for number of events before initiating a full database store.
THINGSDB_THRESHOLD_QUERY_CACHE 160 Queries with a length equal to, or greater than this threshold will be cached by the node.
THINGSDB_WS_PORT disabled WebSocket port (9270 is commonly used when enabled).
THINGSDB_WS_KEY_FILE none Path to private key file (required for Secure WebSockets).
THINGSDB_WS_CERT_FILE none Path to certificate file (required for Secure WebSockets).
THINGSDB_ZONE 0 Start node in this zone number. Zones are used for forwarding queries while in away mode.

Additionally, the environment variable THINGSDB_INIT, THINGSDB_SECRET and THINGSDB_DEPLOY can be used to replace command line arguments which is documented here.