

Docker images of ThingsDB are available at GitHub.

Supported tags: (Minimal ThingsDB image based on Alpine Linux.) (Includes Google Cloud Utilities so ThingsDB can created backups in the Google Cloud. -VERSION is optional, otherwise the latest GCloud image will be used.) (Based on a Debian image with Google Cloud Utilities, Python3 and py-timod installed. -VERSION is optional, otherwise the latest Full image will be used.) (Minimal ThingsDB image based on Alpine Linux build for ARM hardware. -VERSION is optional, otherwise the latest ARM64 image will be used.) (Latest ThingsDB build from the master branch using a minimal Alpine Linux base image)

Getting started

The basic steps required to run the ThingsDB server in Docker are explained below.


To get started, run the following command in your terminal:

$ docker pull

Note: Depending on how you’ve installed docker on your system, you might see a permission denied error after running the above command. If you’re on Linux, you may need to prefix your docker commands with sudo. Alternatively you can create a Docker group to get rid of this issue.

The pull command fetches the latest ThingsDB server image from the GitHub Container Registry and saves it in your system.


Great! Let’s now run a Docker container based on this image. To do that you are going to use the docker run command.

$ docker run \
    --name thingsdb \
    -d \
    -p 9200:9200 \
    -v ~/thingsdb-data:/data \
    -v ~/thingsdb-modules:/modules \ --init

You’ll notice a few flags being used. Here’s some more info on them:

  • -d - Run the container in detached mode (in the background).
  • -p 9200:9200 - Map port 9200 of the host to port 9200 (ThingsDB port for client socket connections) in the container.
  • -v ~/thingsdb-data:/data - Mount a volume for ThingsDB data. (For data persistence)
  • -v ~/thingsdb-modules:/modules - Mount a volume for ThingsDB modules. (For data persistence)
  • - The image to use.
  • --init - For initializing ThingsDB. This argument is technically only required when running ThingsDB for the first time.

To verify that the container is running, you can use the docker ps command.

$ docker ps

This command shows you all containers that are currently running and should display a similar output as this:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                   COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS         PORTS                                                                     NAMES
408e414a0213   "/usr/local/bin/thin…"   9 seconds ago   Up 8 seconds   8080/tcp, 9210/tcp, 9220/tcp,>9200/tcp, :::9200->9200/tcp   thingsdb


To stop the active ThingsDB container, run the docker stop command.

$ docker stop thingsdb