Binary bitwise operators

Can be used on integer values.

Operator Description
& Bitwise AND, true if both a and b are 1.
| Bitwise OR, true if at least a or b is 1.
^ Bitwise XOR, true if a and b are different.
~ Bitwise NOT, inverts each individual bit in the binary representation of a number. This means it creates a new number where every 0 becomes a 1, and every 1 becomes a 0.
<< Left Shift, moves the bits of an integer to the left.
>> Right Shift, moves the bits of an integer to the right.

Binary bitwise operator examples:

    0b110 & 0b011,  // 0b010 = 2
    0b110 | 0b011,  // 0b111 = 7
    0b110 ^ 0b011,  // 0b101 = 5
    ~5,             // Invert all individual bits
    1 << 4,         // 0b00001 << 4 = 0b10000 (16)
    12 >> 1,        // 0b01100 >> 1 = 0b00110 (6)

Return value in JSON format
