
Adds a new token for a given user. An optional expiration time may be given; after this time the token cannot be used anymore. Use del_expired to cleanup expired tokens. The expiration time may be given as a datetime or timeval type.

Expiration dates in the past are not allowed an will raise a bad_data_err() error.

It is also possible to set a description for the token which can be used to identify the token. If you only want to set a description, but no expiration time, then you can use nil as a second argument. For example: new_token('my_user', nil, 'some nice description');

There can be no more than 128 tokens assigned to a single user. A max_quota_err() is raised if this limit is reached. Existing tokens can be removed with del_token and to view the current tokens you can use the user_info(..) (or users_info()) function.

This function requires GRANT privileges on the @thingsdb scope when a username other then the logged in user is given as argument. For the currently logged in user, CHANGE privileges on the @thingsdb scope are sufficient.

This function generates a change.


new_token(username, [, expiration_time] [, description])


Argument Type Description
username str (required) Name of the user.
expiration_time nil/int/float/raw (optional) Expiration date of the token.
description str (optional) Token description.

Return value

Returns the new token key.


Create a new token for user admin:

// A new token with an expiration date in one week and description
new_token('admin', datetime().move('weeks', 1), 'token for one week');

Example return value in JSON format (the token key)
